Thursday, 20 January 2011

Butternut Ponkas?

I was just about to post an update on the progress of 'Pumpkin Planet' when I received this image attached to the following email:-

Hi Greg, 
we are people of Butternut Ponka family calling all the way from Pumpkin Planet. Yes, we are sorry but you did not invent us, the Pumpkin People are exsisting already! and have been watching earth for many seeds(years).
We hope you like the picture. It shows me, Big Erik with Little Grappa on my shoulder and Madelaine at my side, they are my brother and sister. Madelaine is very much the earth watcher, she has herself a telescope and the wonderful Miss Mistony is teaching her good english. Little Grappa also likes earth but he does not speak greatly, being only 4 seeds old, except when he heard you have an earth pumpkin called Jack be little, then he went a bit crazy with excitement. Now he has pestering me to ask if he and Madelaine can contact you to ask about Jack be little, and send you some more pictures. I said you are probably busy doing your own pictures, but if you have a time I know they would be pleased to hear from you.
Best Wishes
Madelaine, Little Grappa, Butternut Pupkin and Big Erik

ps. we do not yet have MSN or Facebook on Pumpkin Planet 

I do not know what to make of this. Surely it must be a hoax. Who ever it is seems to have mastered my style of drawing embarrassingly well. There again if it is genuine then its a great honour as well as being an amazing opportunity!   

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